BEAUTY SHUETY: Has Community Transmission Begun in India?

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Has Community Transmission Begun in India?

Has Community Transmission Begun in India?

The entire country is going through a 21-day lockdown due to the Kovid-19 virus. Despite this, it seems that the government's efforts are not going well with the rapidly changing circumstances. The graph of people getting infected has seen a boom in the last 5-7 days. This has led people to ponder whether India is moving towards a community broadcasting phase or Kovid-19 broadcasting phase III?

It would be quite strict for the government to say that their effort is not enough to stop the rapid spread as well as to infer that India has stepped into the community broadcasting phase. There are some cases in Mumbai, in which there is no fixed source of broadcasting. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that in a congested slum area, it would not take much time for any person to be infected to reach the stage of community transmission.

More strictness is required between people to maintain social distance and stay at home. We need to be more responsible for ourselves and our community. During the last few days, the local community has wreaked havoc across the country, and cases have increased rapidly. It is very disappointing and an irresponsible attitude by them to defy the orders of the government which can spread the virus across the country.

On the other hand, it is very inspiring to know how the Rajasthan government has sought to isolate the city of Bhilwara and scan every person. It would have been very difficult for the government to scan and identify each person's case, which would have virtually reduced community broadcasting speculation in the city. The city is still under strict lockdown and apart from government efforts, it is quite commendable how people supported the government while staying inside their homes and revealed all their details along with their travel history.

Other state governments are ready to use this formula when necessary for the betterment of the public. Furthermore, the only and safest solution to save our lives is to maintain social balance until there is a vaccine for it. Therefore, as a precautionary measure before the expiry of the 21-day lockdown period, the state governments of Odisha announced a complete lockdown by April 30, 2020. In addition, almost all states are open for the lockdown extension period, where the affected cities are. Priority. Governments made it mandatory for people to wear masks while going out of their homes.

An increasing number of cases require an increase in more medical facilities and equipment for patients and medical staff, so we can prepare in advance for any worst-case scenario. It is high time to learn from countries such as China, America, France, and others who later made a mistake in implementing the lockdown and endangering the lives of large populations. Without a doubt, only lockdown and social discrimination are helpful to save the country from moving towards communal broadcasting.

The people of India need to behave more responsibly so that this situation does not deteriorate and reach the level of community broadcasting. It is very important that people realize how serious the coronavirus condition is and what serious effects it can leave on our lives after time as we go through it.



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