BEAUTY SHUETY: Lymphedema and Swimming

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Lymphedema and Swimming

Lymphedema and Swimming 

Swimming to reduce lymphedema of the leg ...

For years I have been telling people with lymphedema of the legs that the best exercise to reduce swelling is swimming. Why? There are a few reasons why swimming is the best exercise.

One, because you are horizontal when you swim instead of vertical and your leg is under your torso. This is similar to when lying down or raising your leg to reduce swelling.

Two, when nothing, their body fluids circulate. Movement of the limbs and muscles is creating a force to move fluids throughout the body. The motion of kicking while swimming helps to expel liquids from the leg. Your blood and lymph fluid move faster when you are swimming rather than sitting or lying down.

Three, the water itself offers gentle compression when you are in a pool. It's softer than a compression stocking but still useful for when you stand in the pool while swimming. Swimming is great, but even standing and moving your leg through the water is helpful.

And four, swimming is without impact. That means your foot doesn't hit the floor with every step like it does when walking or running. Walking and running actually causes lymphedema of the leg to worsen due to all the bumps/impacts and gravity. Yes, they help circulation a bit, but the impact causes fluids to collect in the leg instead of pushing them out of the leg. Its body is vertical and the fluids fall. Swimming is very smooth and effective for those of us with lymphedema of the legs compared to any other aerobic exercise.

I have been dealing with leg lymphedema since my 1991 cancer surgery. At the time, I already had a physical therapy degree, was a physical trainer, and gym trainer. I knew how the body worked.

He had malignant melanoma in his right thigh. I was told that many doctors would put me to bed for the rest of my life after cancer surgery. Surgery was the only way to save my life. That was if it wasn't too late anymore. The doctor was not sure if cancer had already spread to my lymph nodes and throughout my body. If he had, it would have been too late. Upon entering the surgery I did not know if I had weeks of life or a lifetime of being in bed.

Doctors removed the malignant tumor and lymph nodes from my groin area during surgery. There were two combined surgeries that lasted many hours. Immediately after surgery, my leg was as wide as my waist. It had a tree trunk and a long way to go to reduce it to normal size. My life was saved, but my leg and my life changed forever. It took me almost a year to reduce my leg to almost normal size. I have maintained lymphedema of my leg extremely well because I am very disciplined.

Some quick tips to reduce swelling ... elevations, compression, circulation / light exercise and a very healthy diet of various fruits and vegetables - that's the secret to reducing swelling and keeping it low. Eat foods like fruits and vegetables. Stay away from processed foods, fast foods, junk food, alcohol, soft drinks, and other unhealthy foods.

I studied physiotherapy at university and have been CSCS for many years. I know how to stay healthy and recover from illness and injury. I admit that my knowledge has made it easier for me to maintain lymphedema of the leg, but you can too.

What led me to write this today? I go all winter longing for access to a pool so I can better maintain my lymphedema. This week the pool was opened and I paid for my pool pass. I will be able to keep my leg looking and feeling good with almost no swelling on non-working days. HURRAH!

Yesterday I swam for the first time this summer and my leg felt and looked great afterward. Uplifting today and it feels good. I can't wait to go to my social dance later tonight!

Anyone in NJ with lymphedema on their legs who wants to talk, swim for a quick swim or need a little help just contact me. My hours are very sporadic and constantly changing, but we will connect if you communicate.

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