Thursday, May 21, 2020

Lymphedema and Swimming

Lymphedema and Swimming 

Swimming to reduce lymphedema of the leg ...

For years I have been telling people with lymphedema of the legs that the best exercise to reduce swelling is swimming. Why? There are a few reasons why swimming is the best exercise.

One, because you are horizontal when you swim instead of vertical and your leg is under your torso. This is similar to when lying down or raising your leg to reduce swelling.

Two, when nothing, their body fluids circulate. Movement of the limbs and muscles is creating a force to move fluids throughout the body. The motion of kicking while swimming helps to expel liquids from the leg. Your blood and lymph fluid move faster when you are swimming rather than sitting or lying down.

Three, the water itself offers gentle compression when you are in a pool. It's softer than a compression stocking but still useful for when you stand in the pool while swimming. Swimming is great, but even standing and moving your leg through the water is helpful.

And four, swimming is without impact. That means your foot doesn't hit the floor with every step like it does when walking or running. Walking and running actually causes lymphedema of the leg to worsen due to all the bumps/impacts and gravity. Yes, they help circulation a bit, but the impact causes fluids to collect in the leg instead of pushing them out of the leg. Its body is vertical and the fluids fall. Swimming is very smooth and effective for those of us with lymphedema of the legs compared to any other aerobic exercise.

I have been dealing with leg lymphedema since my 1991 cancer surgery. At the time, I already had a physical therapy degree, was a physical trainer, and gym trainer. I knew how the body worked.

He had malignant melanoma in his right thigh. I was told that many doctors would put me to bed for the rest of my life after cancer surgery. Surgery was the only way to save my life. That was if it wasn't too late anymore. The doctor was not sure if cancer had already spread to my lymph nodes and throughout my body. If he had, it would have been too late. Upon entering the surgery I did not know if I had weeks of life or a lifetime of being in bed.

Doctors removed the malignant tumor and lymph nodes from my groin area during surgery. There were two combined surgeries that lasted many hours. Immediately after surgery, my leg was as wide as my waist. It had a tree trunk and a long way to go to reduce it to normal size. My life was saved, but my leg and my life changed forever. It took me almost a year to reduce my leg to almost normal size. I have maintained lymphedema of my leg extremely well because I am very disciplined.

Some quick tips to reduce swelling ... elevations, compression, circulation / light exercise and a very healthy diet of various fruits and vegetables - that's the secret to reducing swelling and keeping it low. Eat foods like fruits and vegetables. Stay away from processed foods, fast foods, junk food, alcohol, soft drinks, and other unhealthy foods.

I studied physiotherapy at university and have been CSCS for many years. I know how to stay healthy and recover from illness and injury. I admit that my knowledge has made it easier for me to maintain lymphedema of the leg, but you can too.

What led me to write this today? I go all winter longing for access to a pool so I can better maintain my lymphedema. This week the pool was opened and I paid for my pool pass. I will be able to keep my leg looking and feeling good with almost no swelling on non-working days. HURRAH!

Yesterday I swam for the first time this summer and my leg felt and looked great afterward. Uplifting today and it feels good. I can't wait to go to my social dance later tonight!

Anyone in NJ with lymphedema on their legs who wants to talk, swim for a quick swim or need a little help just contact me. My hours are very sporadic and constantly changing, but we will connect if you communicate.

Cancerous Lung Tumour Encounter

Cancerous Lung Tumour Encounter 

It is getting harder to breathe. Constant cough, even blood. I finally went to an emergency room in our hospital. The nurse said that I should just go to my doctor. I replied that my doctor was retired and there was a 2-year waiting list for a new doctor in Muskoka. As a Christian, I called upon the Lord to help me. Wow, then things started getting faster. 3 doctors, one to see and one for a scan on my chest and another to admit me.

A tumor was detected. High blood pressure, low thyroid and low magnesium, low potassium put me on many medications. Then Dr. A trip to the ambulance with a nurse in the New Market by Toth to perform a bronchoscopy that stops the bleeding. $ 240. Later for an ambulance ride and I was back in bed in Muskoka with an extra medicine for an allergic reaction to the rubber used on me at New Market Hospital. Prednisone was the prescription for 10 days that caused the thrush, hence another big pill to remedy.

I was in a dilemma that broke away from my precious daughter-in-law and my loving husband. I really needed a family doctor, so they went to Bracebridge to beg and persuade Dr. Liao for me.
It happened in the week of December. Dr. After phone calls and new doctor appointments with Liao, I had to return to the new market for the diagnosis of December 30.2015. His discovery of a rare tumor with cancer (can't be sir) in my right lung disrupted a windpipe, causing a partially collapsed lung. I told Jesus. He said 'hold'! Death came very close.

I visited many hospitals and specialists and surgeons in Barry and Toronto. In the end, it was my decision. do or die. I expected Jesus to heal and show his power. I attended some crusade healing meetings where the preacher had 3 symptoms of cancer and God healed 2 of them, but the third required surgery. Gearbest Mpow M5 Pro Bluetooth Headphone Office Headset With Noise-Suppressing Mic And Charging Dock For PC
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I knew that God is a surgeon for me.

Surgery was the only option in the form of chemo and radiation, there was no power on this tumor that grew in my windpipe and air was cut to my right lung so that the upper lobe collapsed.
On April 14,2016, that part of my right lung was removed with a piece of my windpipe that had a tumor, as well as some lymph nodes.

All was well and Corey, Murav my husband, and Casey and Marian saw me through it and after 3 months I am able to handle the pain. Many sources were prayed for me.

Jesus was there for me, as was my family, especially my favorite daughter-in-law Marianne and my son Casey. I called me every day after coming home, visited often, and gave them so much time and attention. I called Jesus several times through my pain. I drew attention to the quick reactions of many doctors involved in many countries in this old world. In various colors, languages ​​, and religions, but very tailored to my plight.

As a Christian, I was very tempted to leave this life to resign my fate and enter a glorious place to get out of cancer, about which I had heard since childhood. I argued that if God did not cure me, who was I expecting the medical community to do this for.

'Death was just a part of life' my husband always said. But as I kept choking for 24 hours, I realized that if it was a rotten tooth, I would have removed it. A very special young doctor in Barry did not hear about giving me and sent me to Toronto. The third surgeon we met at Toronto Surgeon Hospital was very confident and fully confident that he could do this procedure for me. Hence Dr. Kapil was true to his word.

It has been 9 months since the surgery and many scans, x-rays, and bronchoscopies to date. I am constantly supporting me in a better way every week with my good husband. Marriage works. The appreciation of the medical staff in place for patients grows for us as a family.

It's just over a year and a half since I left that bad tumor for research. I have not heard any conclusion to date.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a new blood test, about which I have to see a specialist. One of my 7 sisters also has the same condition. It requires more thyroxine but should be monitored by the said specialist. Hopefully, this will raise my energy level. Update; April 2018 and experts say there is no 'standard' for Hashimoto's thyroiditis, accepted help but thyroxine I need to gradually double. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus definitely apply here. Amen. I have released 15 fat pounds to date. Halleluyah!

Jesus is healing me day by day and the time is once again on my side. I can count on him to take care of me till my last days. Weight gain through all this has been a concern and as I heal more I can focus on getting rid of this sweet body of more than 77 pounds. A fatty liver condition will hopefully end up using the PAI diet. Update; dec.2,2019
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Know the Liver Cancer Risks and Latest Research Advancements

Know the Liver Cancer Risks and Latest Research Advancements 

Beware of disease and risk:

Liver cancer, otherwise known as liver cancer, begins primarily in the liver and is the most common type of hepatocellular carcinoma. Worldwide, many risk factors are responsible for this.

Cirrhosis, a condition in which liver cells are damaged and replaced by scar tissue and the liver does not function properly, leads to liver cancer;
Chronic infection with hepatitis B and C virus that leads to cirrhosis;
Birth defects;
Excessive alcohol consumption;
Obesity and diabetes - excess fat accumulation in the liver.
In the United States, hepatitis C infection is a common cause of liver cancer.

What are the symptoms?
Signs and symptoms should not be felt until later stages of the disease. Some of the most common symptoms are unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, an enlarged liver, abdominal swelling and pain, itching, nausea or vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), back pain.

How to diagnose?
This can be diagnosed through blood tests, ultrasound, imaging scans such as MRI or CT scan or biopsy. Ultrasound is the first test with the use of sound waves to image a tumor growing in the liver on a video screen. A small sample of extracted tumor cells to perform biopsy tests to confirm.

Latest Research Progress:

With the advancement in medical technology, there is ongoing research in the treatment of liver cancer. Although the removal of the affected area through surgery may be an effective form of treatment, it will not be effective for all patients. Scientists are looking for reasons and new treatment methods to treat it. Treatment options and recommendations depend on many factors such as the patient's overall health, stage of cancer, the severity of damage to the remaining areas of the liver, etc. The following areas of research may include new advanced options for patients through clinical trials. .

Brachytherapy - In this advanced method, the catheter is placed directly into the tumor, giving a high radiation dose to the tumor, which will reduce radiation exposure to surrounding healthy tissues and cause no harm.

Chemotherapy advances - new treatments are targeted only to destroy specific cancer cells. Instead of giving chemo alone, it is given with combination therapy that can shrink a tumor to enable doctors to safely perform surgery.

Ablation Technique - Instead of removing the tumor, this ablation therapy kills it with hot or cold energy.

Liver transplant - This is an effective treatment in which surgery is performed to transform a diseased liver from a donor to a healthy liver.

Can this disease be prevented? - Apparently, it can be stopped. The most important risk factor for this is chronic infection with HBV and HCV viruses that can spread by sharing contaminated needles and having unprotected sex. Excessive alcohol consumption is also one of the main reasons. You can reduce your risk by adopting a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise, weight control, and a healthy diet. It is also important to avoid infection with the hepatitis virus.

Increase awareness for prevention:
Liver cancer is treated and sometimes it is curable even if diagnosed. Therefore it is important to be aware of risk factors and the latest treatment options. Organize an awareness campaign in your community to make people understand about the disease, the importance of early diagnosis and preventive measures to be adopted. To increase exposure and awareness, support your campaign with some awareness gifts. Although there are many products available in the market, using customized items such as silicone wristbands with an awareness message will go a long way. You will find these in different colors, fonts, sizes, and styles, and people like to wear these stylish and fashion accessories on a daily basis.

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Increase awareness with liver cancer

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Does a bent penis indicate possible cancer?

Does a bent penis indicate possible cancer?

Some things bother a man more than likely to be seriously wrong with his penis - and things rarely become more serious than cancer. Where gender health is concerned, there is concern about cancer. Fortunately, gender cancer is rare, accounting for only 1% of all cancer cases in men. But this does not diminish his ability to strike fear in a man. And some men may be particularly concerned recently when articles began to appear that linking a bent penis to the possibility of cancer increases.
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the study

These articles were largely based on a study published in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility. The data was first presented at the American Society for Reproductive Cancer Scientific Congress.

"There is an increased risk of cancer among men with Peyronie's disease," the study investigated whether there was a clinical association between Pyrrhoney's disease and genetically linked conditions, such as cancer. It was a retrospective covalent study, meaning that it looked at existing data among a group of men and mined the data for information (as in setting up a new trial between a group or group of people and this To see the results of the new test.).

The study looked at more than 48,000 men with Peyronie's disease, a condition in which a man experiences a severely curved penis rather than the simple curvature that many men experience. In most cases, the formation of a severely curved penis is due to the formation of fibrous scar tissue, or plaque, often due to rough shaking of the penis. The study also noted more than 1,100,000 men with erectile dysfunction and more than 480,000 "controls" who had neither gender nor erectile problems.


When scientists sifted through the data, it indicated that men with Peyronie's disease had a significantly higher risk for developing cancer, including gender cancer (specifically, 40% higher risk).

Those results may seem dangerous; Many of the men reading this have probably checked to see if their member is bent. But it is important to remember that this study was looking at men with Peyronie's disease, not men whose penis curves slightly but not at such an angle.
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And even for men who actually have a severely curved penis, there is nothing to worry about. In the first place, it is only a study; This can be replicated in other studies to see if the conclusion is reached. And when the study identifies a link, it may be more complex than simply increasing the risk of pyrogenic cancer. And even if there is an increased risk, it means that a person with a curved penis is not sure of cancer.

That said, men with Peyronie's disease may want to view this study as a reminder to keep them on top of their gender health. They want to bring this study with their doctor and ask if there is anything they can do to monitor the early signs of cancer.

A twisted penis and its possible relationship to cancer is a different matter between gender health concerns. Everyday care of the organ can be aided by the regular application of a top-notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically mild and safe for the skin). For best results, look closely at the ingredients of crème and find one that contains L-carnitine. This amino acid is neuroprotective and can help restore the loss of sensitivity that can occur with a penis that has been handled very roughly. The best crème will also contain vitamin A, which is prized for its antibacterial properties and their ability to fight bacteria, which can result in a persistent and unpleasant penis odor.

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Understanding Types of Advanced Prostate Cancers and Survival Rate

Understanding Types of Advanced Prostate Cancers and Survival Rate

Advanced prostate cancer often metastasizes to the bone. Metastatic prostate cancer survival rates are very low when cancer spreads to the bone. However, pregnancy is still slightly better than liver metastasis.
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When someone is diagnosed with prostate cancer too late, there is a 60 percent chance that cancer will spread to the bone. When cancer metastasizes to the bone, treatment will become more complex. Consequently, the metastatic survival rate for bone metastases may be less than 40%. Most patients with bone metastases can live for only 19 to 21 months after diagnosis.

Since prostate cancer is slow-growing cancer, many patients do not actually show symptoms. As a matter of fact, more than 50% of patients are diagnosed with prostate cancer when it has spread to the bones. In this case, to improve metastatic prostate cancer survival rates and to ensure effective treatment, GPs need to be able to identify whether cancer originated in the bones or whether it is a metastasis of cancer from other locations.

Symptoms involving painful urination obstructed the flow of blood and urine in the urine. However, if cancer has spread to the bones, patients will experience additional symptoms that are unrelated to the initial symptoms. In the case of bone metastatic prostate cancer, symptoms include pain in the affected area, weak bones, sudden fractures, and paralysis. The ribs, spine, and hips are usually the areas affected by cancer. However, it is not impossible that cancer may also appear in other bones.

Diagnosis and treatment

Bone metastasis can be very difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are similar to arthritis. However, when a prostate cancer patient feels some symptoms in the bone area, it is best to check it immediately as it is more likely that pain is a sign of bone metastases.

The bone scan is one of the most effective methods to diagnose bone metastases. This method uses a radioactive tracer that is injected intravenously into the patient's vein. If the symptoms are caused by cancer, the area will appear dark in the camera.

When cancer has spread to the bones, the treatment plan should be adjusted. Hormone therapy may not be the best option as it is known to weaken bones. In addition to radiotherapy, bisphosphonates are often used as additional treatments to strengthen bones.
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Covid-19: Introduction, Symptoms, and Prevention

Covid-19: Introduction, Symptoms, and Prevention

Coronavirus, aka Kovid-19, is on the list of infectious diseases. However, it is a new form of the virus and has only recently been discovered. Most people receiving this virus suffer from mild or moderate to severe symptoms. The good thing is that most patients recover from the disease without any treatment. In this article, we are going to talk about the symptoms and preventive measures that can help you stay safe.

According to research studies conducted so far, older individuals and those who already have underlying medical conditions, such as cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes, are more likely to suffer from severe symptoms of the disease.

As far as prevention is concerned, the best approach is to be informed, which means that you need to take proper precautions to avoid catching the virus. For this, you need to understand what causes diseases and how it spreads from one person to another.

The first and most important preventive measure is to wash your hands often using a sanitizer, such as alcohol and avoid touching your nose, hair, lips, or other parts of your face.

Now, the million dollar question is, how does this virus spread? According to the most recent research studies, when an infected person sneezes or coughs, the coronavirus spreads. Small drops of discharge from the person's mouse or nose enter another person's body through their noise or mouth. Therefore, it is important to follow proper respiratory etiquette.

Currently, we do not have any treatments or vaccines for coronaviruses. But clinical trials are still ongoing to evaluate potential therapies and their efficacy. You can get updated information from the WHO website.


Fortunately, there are some proven ways to prevent infection and slow down the speed at which it spreads. Below are some tips that can help protect you from infection and slow down the spread.

Make a habit of washing your hands with soapy water. It is better to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds because it takes as much time as soapy water to kill the virus.
If someone is sneezing or coughing, make sure you stand at least one meter away from them.
As much as possible, try to stop touching your face
If you have a sneeze or a cough, cover your nose and mouth to keep the drops in front of others or from infecting things.
If you think you are infected with the virus, do not get out and stay inside your room.
Do not smoke or participate in activities that can weaken your lungs.
Practice social distance and do not travel until you really have to.
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First, it is important to note that coronovirus does not affect everyone in the same way. Since Kovid-19 spreads respiratory diseases, most people suffer from mild to moderate symptoms. This means that most victims can recover from the disease without any special treatment. They just need to keep themselves away from everyone and practice the suggestions given above.

However, people with underlying conditions are at greater risk of suffering from severe symptoms. Some of them may also die from the virus. Similarly, people over the age of 60 are also at greater risk of severe symptoms. Therefore, these people should be more careful than others.

Common symptoms:

Given below are some common symptoms of the virus. They are mild symptoms and can go away between 7 and 14 days.

Dry cough
Other symptoms:
Sore throat
aches and pain
Difficulty breathing
Some people may suffer from runny nose and diarrhea
If you have mild symptoms or are seeing self-isolation, you can contact your health care provider for advice on how you can test for the virus. This is important if you want to protect yourself and your family from infection. Your life and the life of your family are in your hands.
If you have a cough, fever or have difficulty breathing, you want to contact your nearest doctor immediately without wasting time.

So, it was basic information about Kovid-19 and steps to be taken to protect oneself from infection.

If you want to keep informed about coronoviruses, we suggest that you check out Genemi to learn more about conid-19 antigens and spike proteins.

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Has Community Transmission Begun in India?

Has Community Transmission Begun in India?

The entire country is going through a 21-day lockdown due to the Kovid-19 virus. Despite this, it seems that the government's efforts are not going well with the rapidly changing circumstances. The graph of people getting infected has seen a boom in the last 5-7 days. This has led people to ponder whether India is moving towards a community broadcasting phase or Kovid-19 broadcasting phase III?

It would be quite strict for the government to say that their effort is not enough to stop the rapid spread as well as to infer that India has stepped into the community broadcasting phase. There are some cases in Mumbai, in which there is no fixed source of broadcasting. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that in a congested slum area, it would not take much time for any person to be infected to reach the stage of community transmission.

More strictness is required between people to maintain social distance and stay at home. We need to be more responsible for ourselves and our community. During the last few days, the local community has wreaked havoc across the country, and cases have increased rapidly. It is very disappointing and an irresponsible attitude by them to defy the orders of the government which can spread the virus across the country.

On the other hand, it is very inspiring to know how the Rajasthan government has sought to isolate the city of Bhilwara and scan every person. It would have been very difficult for the government to scan and identify each person's case, which would have virtually reduced community broadcasting speculation in the city. The city is still under strict lockdown and apart from government efforts, it is quite commendable how people supported the government while staying inside their homes and revealed all their details along with their travel history.

Other state governments are ready to use this formula when necessary for the betterment of the public. Furthermore, the only and safest solution to save our lives is to maintain social balance until there is a vaccine for it. Therefore, as a precautionary measure before the expiry of the 21-day lockdown period, the state governments of Odisha announced a complete lockdown by April 30, 2020. In addition, almost all states are open for the lockdown extension period, where the affected cities are. Priority. Governments made it mandatory for people to wear masks while going out of their homes.

An increasing number of cases require an increase in more medical facilities and equipment for patients and medical staff, so we can prepare in advance for any worst-case scenario. It is high time to learn from countries such as China, America, France, and others who later made a mistake in implementing the lockdown and endangering the lives of large populations. Without a doubt, only lockdown and social discrimination are helpful to save the country from moving towards communal broadcasting.

The people of India need to behave more responsibly so that this situation does not deteriorate and reach the level of community broadcasting. It is very important that people realize how serious the coronavirus condition is and what serious effects it can leave on our lives after time as we go through it.